During the first quarter of 2024, Carmignac Investissement posted a performance of +17.02%, outperforming its reference indicator (+10.61%).
The beginning of the year was marked by both resilient economic data in the United States and stickier inflation, which led central banks and the markets to expect fewer interest rate cuts in 2024 than at the start of the year. Equity markets welcomed this better-than-expected macroeconomic backdrop, leading the S&P 500 to post its best start to a year since 2019. While equity investors remained focused on the artificial intelligence theme throughout the first part of the quarter, the bullish momentum then spread to the rest of the equity market, with a broadening of the contributors to performance and the participation of cyclical sectors.
Emerging markets also posted a positive performance, but the gap with developed markets continues to widen. Despite support from the authorities, the Chinese market continues to suffer from the weakness of its economy, notably due to the crisis affecting its real estate sector and persistent tensions between the USA and China. Against this backdrop, some economies are doing well, benefiting from China's fragility, such as India and South Korea, whose local markets have appreciated since the start of the year.
Our stock selection enabled the Fund to significantly outperform its reference indicator. Over the period, our strategy took advantage of our two long-term investment themes: artificial intelligence (AI) and obesity/diabetes treatments in the healthcare sector.
AI chip giant, Nvidia was the portfolio's best performer. The company holds a dominant position on graphics processors, whose computing power enables AI systems to function. This flagship of artificial intelligence has posted exceptional earnings growth, surprising experts and analysts quarter after quarter.
Meta, the biggest holding of our portfolio, also posted a solid rebound, benefiting from the positive effects of its cost-cutting program, while also reaping the benefits of AI on its advertising business.
Outside the technology sector, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk continue to benefit from their duopoly position in weight-loss drugs. The Fund also benefited from the good performance of Hermès, which announced a 28% increase in net profit for 2023 across all its segments and geographical regions. Finally, our portfolio of industrial stocks including General Electric, Airbus and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway also contributed to performance.
The macroeconomic environment characterized by a combination of resilient economic growth and generally more accommodative central banks should continue to offer a favorable cocktail for equity markets. However, while the financial markets are not showing any signs of exuberance, this scenario has already been priced in, with most indices having reached all-time highs. Consequently, regular profit-taking and selectivity are essential.
Thus, while we continue to be constructive on the themes of artificial intelligence and obesity treatments, we are reducing our exposure to some stocks with stretched valuations and strengthening laggards. The latter include chipmaker TSMC, one of Apple and Nvidia's suppliers and thus a beneficiary of artificial intelligence.
We also maintain our conviction in Hermès, which should once again outperform its competitors this year thanks to above average pricing and volume growth driven by its high-end positioning.
On April 8, 2024, Kristofer Barrett took over management of the Carmignac Investissement strategy. Kristofer is a seasoned, active stock picker. His proven approach of combining in-depth company research with pragmatic macro analysis has resulted in an outstanding long-term track record. The Fund's investment philosophy will remain faithful to what has made Carmignac Investissement successful for 35 years.
*Escala de riesgo del KID (Documento de datos fundamentales). El riesgo 1 no implica una inversión sin riesgo. Este indicador podría evolucionar con el tiempo. **
Carmignac Investissement | 2.1 | 4.8 | -14.2 | 24.7 | 33.7 | 4.0 | -18.3 | 18.9 | 25.0 | 1.0 |
Indicador de referencia | 11.1 | 8.9 | -4.8 | 28.9 | 6.7 | 27.5 | -13.0 | 18.1 | 25.3 | 2.3 |
Carmignac Investissement | + 11.1 % | + 11.8 % | + 5.8 % |
Indicador de referencia | + 12.0 % | + 14.0 % | + 9.9 % |
Fuente: Carmignac a 28 de feb. de 2025.
Las rentabilidades históricas no garantizan rentabilidades futuras. La rentabilidad es neta de comisiones (excluyendo las eventuales comisiones de entrada aplicadas por el distribuidor)
Indicador de referencia: MSCI AC World NR index
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